Sunday, September 22, 2013

Seale House

     Seale House
 The Seale house was the foster home of Jack and Jocelyn when they were kids. On Jocelyn's journey to find her brother, she sees things that seemed peculiar to me. In one part of the text on page 33 it says, "But who had kept it smoothly working in the years since the foster home had been closed?” (She was talking about the lock that they always kept it oiled so that they could escape through that door without Hazel Frey hearing it).  This makes me suspicious that Jack was never dead and he has been hiding in the Seale house for some reason. This creepy abandoned foster home seems like an odd place to want to be. Especially after all the harsh conditions the foster children went through. Jack and Jocelyn luckily left the house but later on the next page it says that there were kids that might have not left. Does this mean they have something to do with Jack's disappearance? Could there be someone who wanted revenge?  Another major question of mine from this chapter is how did the house become like this? The author makes it clear that the Seales were very strict when it came to the cleanliness of the home. But when Jocelyn visits the house it is in complete mess.

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