Thursday, September 12, 2013


In, The Vanishing Game, Jack, the twin of Jocelyn is said to be dead. Jocelyn is devastated because they shared a bond like no other. They had switched through foster homes and never really had a stable childhood but they had each other. Jocelyn goes looking for Jack believing that he isn't dead. From the plot so far I can definitely tell that she will go to extreme measures to find her brother who might or might not be dead. For example in the passage it said, “I shoved away a case of bottled water and climbed in. It wasn't easy--- at nearly six feet, I was tall for a girl. I curled up on the floor and shut the door, then lay in the dark trying to catch my breath and listening to the rain pummeling the roof”(pg.6) This quote explains her hopping into a friend of Jack’s car hoping that he would lead her to her brother. By the end of this book I would assume that he will give into to help finding Jack or telling Jocelyn more information about Jack's death if that's what had happened.


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